Online Classes

We offer the following online classes throughout the year. Please register to join our mailing list to hear about upcoming classes.
Your Daily Routine-Moving Safely

Your Daily Routine-Moving Safely

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Identify what good posture will look like and briefly explain why maintaining good posture is important for safe movement
  • Demonstrate, independently and using good posture, how to implement proper body mechanics while executing different common daily activities to encourage active living
  • Identify a minimum of three Do’s and three Don’ts for Safe Movement
  • Demonstrate the hip hinge and identify specific activities of daily living (ADLs) that could be done with the hip hinge in mind
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Exercise and You

Exercise and You

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Assess my personal activity level in relation to both the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines and the Osteoporosis Canada recommendations for bone health
  • Identify what I am doing well and what I can improve on in terms of exercise for bone health
  • Demonstrate proficiency in performing a basic routine of everyday strength exercises
  • Create an activity plan for bone health by setting a SMART goal for a personal exercise routine
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Exercise and You

Strengthening and Resistance Exercises

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Assess my personal activity level in relation to both the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines and the Osteoporosis Canada recommendations for bone health
  • Identify what I am doing well and what I can improve on in terms of exercise for bone health
  • Briefly explain the significance of strength exercises in managing my bone health
  • Perform strengthening exercises safely and correctly
  • Create a personal exercise routine for bone health by setting a SMART goal for strength training
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Your Daily Routine-Moving Safely

After A Fracture

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Identify the 3 stages of pain following a fracture
  • Identify the 4 most common sites for broken bones due to osteoporosis
  • Identify and demonstrate a minimum of 3 methods for maintaining a neutral spine independently, focusing on safe movements and good posture
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Exercise and You

Posture and Balance Exercises

Learning Objectives
I will be able to…
  • Assess my personal activity level in relation to the Canadian Exercise guidelines/Canadian Physical Activities Guidelines, and the Osteoporosis Canada guidelines
  • Describe what good posture looks like
  • Identify cues that help me maintain or improve my posture
  • Demonstrate the ability to safely perform a daily routine of balance training exercises
  • Create an activity plan by setting SMART goals for a personal exercise routine
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Introduction to Bone Health

Introduction to Bone Health

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Briefly describe the bone growth cycle
  • List 4 lifestyle requirements for strong bones
  • List 2 nutrients needed for good bone health
  • State the definition of osteoporosis
  • Briefly describe the relationship between osteoporosis and broken bones or fractures
  • Identify a minimum of 3 risk factors for developing osteoporosis that cannot be changed
  • Identify a minimum of 3 risk factors for developing osteoporosis that can be changed
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My Everyday Nutrition

My Everyday Nutrition

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Briefly describe the roles Calcium and Vitamin D play in my bone health
  • State the daily recommended Vitamin D intake for adults
  • Identify a minimum of 2 ways to increase my Calcium intake
  • Briefly describe the role protein plays in my bone health
  • Identify a minimum of 3 factors that can harm my bone health
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My Bones and Me: Making Sense of Bone Density

My Bones and Me: Making Sense of Bone Density

Learning Objectives
I will be able to…
  • Briefly explain the significance of low bone mass
  • Discuss at least one approach for treating low bone mass
  • Describe how bone mineral density is measured and what it is measuring
  • List a minimum of two reasons for a bone density test to be performed
  • Describe how BMD tests are interpreted
  • Identify the difference between my BMD and my fracture risk
  • Identify a minimum of two gender-based facts about osteoporosis or low bone density
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Exercise and You

Aerobic Exercise

Learning Objectives

I will be able to…

  • Assess my personal activity level in relation to both the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines and the Osteoporosis Canada recommendations for bone health
  • Identify how much aerobic exercise is needed for health benefits
  • Identify the difference between weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing aerobic exercise and why this is important for those with osteoporosis
  • Create a plan to continue or add aerobic exercise into my weekly routine
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